Hi there,

It’s a new week and a deep cut into the month of August, we hope you are enjoying every bit of it.

Did you know? That there are over 68 million SMEs in Nigeria currently? And the number keeps increasing?

Just imagine, it’s like half of the population has one business or the other, and even salary earners run a side hustle. That tells you how industrious Nigerians are.

Now here comes the good part, do you know that of the 68 million SMEs only about 10 million have a website?

If you are thinking what I’m thinking, then you just caught wind of what I have been trying to say since you clicked to read this and I’m convinced you know what must be done.

Let’s get the remaining 58 million businesses a website. Right?

Well, not so fast, you have to be a web designer to do this, there are certain skills you must have to be the most sought after. Luckily for you, Ellae training offers exclusive classes in Web design, a major skill that is currently pushing for the world’s top job. If you see the opportunities like I do, then you know you just have to grab it.

Take advantage of the classes and get yourself in demand, on the market and most sought after.

“But I’m a very busy person…”

Don’t worry we know you are very busy, so there are classes scheduled to fit into your busy business.

This is a winning offer being thrown at you and If you are thinking what we are thinking, then you know you need to GRAB IT NOW.

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